" APICS 1B "

Original Chinese Version:

2022年7月,新版本的“车内旅客自动通关系统” (APICS) 在新加坡兀兰关卡进行测试。这套系统允许司机和乘客无需下车即可完成通关。试验期间,移民与关卡局 (ICA) 的工作人员会核实每辆车的乘客人数。通关时,司机需扫描所有乘客的护照,随后司机和乘客通过车内两侧的扫描设备进行面部和虹膜识别,完成通关流程。

APICS 展现了自动化系统如何有效简化传统人工操作流程。通过整合生物识别技术和自动化数据处理,这一系统减少了人为错误,提高了通关效率,并增强了安全性。作为机器人开发者,我们认为这项创新是自动化技术在边境管控领域的重要进步,为更快、更安全的通关解决方案树立了行业标杆。


Translated Version:

In July 2022, Singapore’s Woodlands Checkpoint began trialing the Automated Passenger In-Car Clearance System (APICS). This new system enables drivers and passengers to complete immigration clearance without exiting their vehicles. Passengers scan their passports, and biometric verification, including facial and iris recognition, is conducted using scanners placed at both sides of the car. During the trial, Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) officers oversee the process to ensure accuracy and verify the number of passengers.

From our perspective as robot developers:
APICS is a groundbreaking example of how automation can streamline and modernize traditionally manual processes. By integrating biometric verification and automated data handling, the system reduces human error, increases efficiency, and enhances security. As developers, we see this innovation as a significant step forward in leveraging robotics and intelligent systems to revolutionize border control operations, paving the way for faster and more secure checkpoint solutions worldwide.
